Marketing Tips & Tricks

Make Your Audience the Hero with StoryBrand

October 10, 2024

Let’s be real—content that doesn’t connect is content that gets ignored. If you’re tired of writing stuff that feels like it’s going to an audience of crickets 🦗, it’s time to try something new: the StoryBrand Framework. Having this in your marketing tool kit will help you create content that speaks directly to your audience, making them the hero, and who doesn’t love being the hero(ine)?

What exactly is StoryBrand?

Imagine this: your brand is Yoda, and your customer is Luke Skywalker. They’ve got a mission, and you’re here to guide them to success. 

That’s basically the StoryBrand Framework in a nutshell. Created by Donald Miller, it’s a storytelling approach that puts your audience front and center. The whole goal is to make them the hero (and you the sidekick behind the scenes). 

The 7 Parts of StoryBrand (aka How to Build a Hero’s Journey)

1. A Character (Your Customer aka The Hero)

Your customer is the star of the show. What’s their goal? What do they need to succeed? Your content should focus on them—their journey, struggles, and success (not about how awesome you are).

Pro Tip: Ditch the jargon. Talk to them like you would your friend over coffee (or kombucha, if that’s more your vibe).

2. Who Has a Problem

Every hero faces a challenge. What’s standing in your customer’s way? Whether it’s saving time, cutting costs, or finding peace of mind, you’ve got to identify the villain (you don’t need to live on the dark side, but you do need to understand the dark side).

Pro Tip: Frame their problem like you’re talking about the worst villain you can imagine. Make it clear and relatable.

3. Meets a Guide (Yep, That’s You)

Here’s where you step in as the trusty guide. You’re the Gandalf to their Frodo, helping them overcome obstacles with your expertise. Now that you’ve let the focus shine on them, you can humble brag a little to prove you understand their problem and have the know-how to lead them to their goals.

Pro Tip: Testimonials and success stories work wonders here (they are about you, but also not about you, ya know?

4. Who Has a Plan

Heroes need a game plan. Outline your process in simple steps that feel easy and doable. People love a roadmap that doesn’t feel overwhelming. Try to outline the path in 1-5 easy bite-size steps.

Pro Tip: Keep it short and sweet—bullet points or a numbered list will do the trick.

5. That Calls Them to Action

You’ve got to give your hero a clear next step. Want them to book a call, buy a product, or sign up for your newsletter? Tell them exactly what to do—don’t leave them guessing.

Pro Tip: Make your CTA button obvious and maybe even fun (no boring “learn more” buttons here, thanks).

6 & 7. That Results in Success & Avoiding Failure

This is where you show them what’s at stake. If they don’t take action, what could go wrong? No need to go all “doomsday,” but a light nudge will keep them motivated. Vice versa, show your customer what their life looks like after they’ve followed your plan. Paint a picture of the win—whether it’s more time, more money, or less stress—so they can see the finish line.

Pro Tip: Think of this as the part in a movie where things get real. The stakes are high, and the hero has to act or miss out. Use feel-good language and images that show the transformation. It’s the happy ending we’re all rooting for.

Now that you know how the framework works, it’s time to practice! Next time you are writing copy; whether it’s a product description, language for your website, or a postcard, try using the StoryBrand Framework as your GPS. Need help bringing your StoryBrand game to life? Hit us up, and we’ll help you turn your brand into the ultimate hero-maker.